Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Greetings to everyone!
Happy new year! I know it is a little late to say that, but it's ok. Thank you once again for all of your prayers and for your involvement in my life and ministry! I really appreciate you!
Things are going pretty well here in Mexico! I just got back from a border trip in the states where I was blessed to spend Christmas with my friend Heather and her family. It was so good to be together!
A praise report is that I received another 180 day visa for being here in Mexico. The Lord is so good!
A prayer request is that my team leaders are looking into a women's ministry that I could possibly get involved in called Casa Hogar. Please pray that the Lord would continue to open doors if this is a place where He wants me to be used as His hands and feet to demonstrate His love!
Another praise is that my English class with Lucia went well yesterday! It was fun to be together and to get caught up.
Kep serving Jesus and loving Him!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracias por las noticias Crystal!! Tiempos excitantes para ti alla en Mexico, oro que Dios sea glorificado en todo lo que El tenga para ti. Feliz Anio Nuevo a ti tambien!! Que sea lleno de bendicion y crecimiento en el conocimiento de nuestro Senor y Salvador Jesucritsto! Un abrazo,