Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Marriage Thoughts

Hi Everyone,

I've been able to surrender yet another area of my life to the Lord this morning.

Here are the details. I wrote:

"WOW! I don't HAVE TO look forward to an earthly wedding day to be SATISFIED anymore, as if it were my only hope of being loved or something. (Something I was always holding to likea pillar for satisfaction in my life for years)

If God brings the "one" that He has for me as a future husband along later, that's great, as long as it is in HIS timing. However, I don't HAVE TO BE MARRIED to be satisfied, like I always used to think. And also there is nothing wrong with me because of the fact that I am not married. (All of THIS-the healing, and being drawn eternally to God's love--- may Not have happened otherwise if I had been able to find temporary satisfaction in a substitute love.) Now, I am not saying that is is wrong for anyone out there if you are married either!!! STAY TOGETHER!!!!! Nor am I saying that people that are married are looking for substitute love that only God can provide. But I would HAVE BEEN if God had not found me. God works in people's lives very differently.

I have JESUS now and we have the Marriage Supper of the LAMB to look forward to! I am a part of His BRIDE. It will be the BEST WEDDING CELEBRATION EVER!!!!!!! WE (Those of us who have been brought to repentance and trust in Him) ARE HIS BRIDE!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!

That is all I have to share for today!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Crystal, i just had to laugh for joy when i read this one, cause June 12th is the day that my roomate and close friend got married. I was in the wedding, and it was such a beautiful and glorious event, and it gave me chills to be there and on stage with them, but God was showing me how much more incredible the Marriage of the Lamb will be and how glorious it will be and so I just think it is really awesome that God was showing us the same stuff on the same day!!! I am so excited to read what you write and am praying for God's work to continue on in me just as he is doing it in you. WE are loved by an Awesome God and I am so glad i get to walk beside you and share in your joy and that God is using your life in my life! love you sister! can't wait to see you again someday and talk face to face!