Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Tonight I was receptionist at the medical clinic. I enjoy it, but tonight got a little interesting. One of the stresses was just the fact that there were about three patient's files that I could not find to give to the doctors.

But it was so cool because before the clinic started, we all prayed together and one person prayed specifically for me. So as the night went on, things got interesting as there were all kinds of things to keep straight, phone calls etc.

But God reminded me of things that I didn't want to forget----thankfully. There wasn't really time to make a list.

And it was cool because a volunteer, at another point, reminded me of the fact that it is CHRIST IN ME doing things, and that I am NOT doing it in and of my own strength---the good stuff from the discipleship training this past week! I was so grateful for the reminder!

Dependence upon Jesus--it NEVER ENDS!!! And I was glad for tonight--because everything that transpired was just a reminder to me of how much I need HIM and I don't ever want to forget that.

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