Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Update from Mexico

Hi Everyone,

Well, things have been quiet on my blog for months. May 31st to the 16th of October I was on furlough in the USA. It was SO WONDERFUL to spend time with all of the amazing people that both the Atlantic God has brought in my life! It was a blessing to see the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, to see my parents, whom I had not seen for four years, connect with friends, family, relatives, and my sending church. Thank you for the part that each one of you has in my life!

I've been back in Mexico for three weeks, It was a little bit of an adjustment at first, but things are going great now. I am looking forward to teaching Sunday school to the 6-9 year old's this Sunday, am enjoying the bonus of being part of a choir at church for the youth group, have been attending team meetings, and getting back into the swing of things regarding work etc.

Thank you for your prayers!