Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In That Quiet Place of Trust

Hi Everyone,

I talked with Conchita earlier this evening.

They found someone that was willing to do the tests that she needed here PTL! Ok, so I want to be careful about displaying her medical stuff on the internet, but thankfully they found out that she doesn't have what the doctors thought she had, which is a praise. However, they did find out that she has a bacteria that is linked to causing cancer, and she is on various medications for the next three months to try to get rid of it. After that, depending on re-testing and results, further action will be decided.

God totally prepared me for that conversation with her today. And my heart is resting in this quiet place of trust, because I know that whatever happens, God's plans are good--and He is in control---and in the end, it will be more wonderful than we could ever imagine.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

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