Psalm 146:2 "I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Important Disclaimer

Ok so I realize we are all, including myself, trying to process what God has done and is doing here with all of this. It is a shock to everyone's system. God IS going to help EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US process this, and I believe He has the ability to lead each heart to the proper and accurate conclusion concerning it all. I already have the conclusion...and KNOW what happened. ( I am NOT trying to say that out of fleshly pride, but rather as the simple truth.)

I want to first of all thank everyone that has been praying for me over these months. James tells us that the prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective, and it really is because you have prayed, and stood in the gap for me.

Secondly with the deepest love and respect and concern for anyone out there reading this, I want to say that I hope, that as you are reading what has happened in my life, it is not causing any of you to doubt that you are His, esspecially if you really honestly are. (I only say that because I don't know who all is reading this out there--thelre may be believers and non-believers alike-I have no idea) or anything like that. (for example, because you don't feel close to God right now, or don't get much out of the Bible right now, or maybe don't even read it right now) I KNOW what it is like to go through that kind of turmoil-it is the worst thing in the world to experience, and I pray that none of you are comparing yourselves to me or anything. I am not trying to brag or anything. It isn't about that. I was honestly just trying to say what God has truly honestly done in my heart and life. Why me? I have no idea...I really don't. I am not any better or different than anyone else-WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!!!

Thirdly, I am not on cloud nine and have not arrived. I just wanted to make that very clear. What God has done is WONDERFUL, but there still are struggles and that is good. PAIN AND JOY REALLY ARE MIXED TOGETHER. (I am just choosing not to discuss the pain part so much for personal reasons. This is a blog for God's glory--NOT a Crystal's SOB STORY BLOG!!!) In spite of times that I may over-react, I actually feel like as "baggage" is getting unloaded, I am actually leveling off more and more from an emotional standpoint, and I would hope to think that this is healthy.

Thank you once again for your faithful prayers and please feel free to get in touch if need be.

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